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  1. f5moab

    H3 Center Wheel Caps

    If you pay the shipping, I'll ship them to you. I'll give them a weighing to get an idea of a shipping cost. What's your zip?
  2. f5moab

    H3 Center Wheel Caps

    Still kicking. Just clearing out stuff no longer needed for a move to AZ. Idaho was good but the itch to move itches too much, Hope all is well with you and your bros.
  3. f5moab

    H3 Center Wheel Caps

    Anyone interested in the shiny center caps for H3 rims? If yes, I'll take photos and post them; if not, I won't take photos.
  4. f5moab


    What, you didn't like the old one?
  5. f5moab

    Moab October 2023 (Solo Trip)

    Nice. Did you do any exploring of Bride's canyon? There is a triple arch buried between some of the fins that run (north?) out of Bride's NEO and I tried to locate it one nice hot July day.
  6. f5moab

    Yes, the H3 is gone

    It happens to the best of us. Time moves on. I missed it in the beginning, but as time flies, no longer.
  7. f5moab

    Wow, I got a lesson in LS lifter failures!

    Power increase will primarily be on a roll when the computer has cut off some cylinder to go into AFM mode. Example, cruising down the road at around 40 and it is in AFM than you hit the throttle it takes a second to get all cylinders firing. Off the line acceleration should be about the same...
  8. f5moab

    Wow, I got a lesson in LS lifter failures!

    Still kicking around in Idaho....stop in from-time-to-time to see what's happening. Yes, DI engines do have that problem with the intake valves but AFM made it happen faster and nastier. There used to be a module you could plug into the DLC under the dash that would cut off AFM; not sure what...
  9. f5moab

    Wow, I got a lesson in LS lifter failures!

    AFM (A F***ing Mistake) But own no GM's and most likely never will again..... (Surprised to see the old guy stop by?)
  10. f5moab

    "Rise And Fall of the Hummer"

    It fell, declining sales and the coming GM bankruptcy guaranteed it would fail. H4 was nice but not what was shown to the public at auto shows; however, that was a common factor with a lot of pilot vehicles done by all manufacturers. The model the public was shown was a lot fancier; and would...
  11. f5moab

    We went to #GrabLifebythePauls

    Just heard about this. Congratulations. (Amazing who is allowed to come into ID.)