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WTT 09 H3 Luxury/Adventure - Trade for H3T (and cash on my end)


Well-Known Member

I think I found a really nice, reliable H3. I got this to carry my horse dog (great dane) around, but she's getting a little old to launch into a lifted SUV, so she gets to ride in style in the X5.

I've always wanted a H3t. I've been through 4 H3's trying to find one to make me happy. I found one I think is amazing, and want to leverage that into an H3t.

2009 H3 Luxury , Adventure, I5
Front/Rear Lockers
Monsoon Stereo System
Backup Camera
NEW 35" Mud Tires (matching spare)
NEW 20" Wheels
NEW Bilstein Suspension
NEW Rear Leafs
Running Boards
Sunroof has ZERO leaks
Roof Racks
Go Rhino Cargo Basket
Real Wheels Billet Hood Handles
No leaks. No radiator Issues.
Leather seats looks brand new. Driver side, side bolster (Not seat bolster somehow) has wear, but no cracks or tears.
Talil Light Guards
Snorkel on Order
LED Tail Lights
LED Side Marker
LED Front Signals
Bull Bar
Bushwacker Fender Flares
Window Wind Guards

I've driven this a few thousand miles and it's done so good. Someone will love this thing.

If anyone is looking to get out of their H3t, wanting an SUV, and are looking to trade for a great H3 and cash. Let me know. This thing looks amazing, drives amazing, and will be great for someone. Let's make a deal, help me get my dream Hummer!

2009 H3.jpg