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A/C is Ticking?



Hey guys,

it seems like it's one thing after another, so the other day I noticed a ticking noise from the engine bay. Not knowing what it was I tried to inspect but couldn't figure out what it was. Today on my way into the gym I rode with the windows open and realized when I parked that the noise was no longer there, and after putting 2 and 2 together I now realize what is making the noise. However, I still don't know what is exactly going on and if this is something that needs to be taken care of by a professional or if it's a DIY. Thanks guys for all the help!!
New Jersey
Is it the engine belt pulley? I know that was what my other truck, my Chevy Suburban was kind of doing, and when I changed it, it stopped making noise. Don't get me wrong, a friend that is a mechanic, did the old trick of putting a long screw driver near each area where the belt connects as it spin, and put his ear to the end of the screw driver (the handle part) and yes he had me listen too, and you could hear it sounding louder and with a weird noise compartment to the other areas where the belt connected, and for like $48 bucks, I fixed the problem!


would the engine belt pulley still make noise when the A/C is off, cause when I turned it off the tick was gone...