It was just a PIA getting it out and the new one in, compounded by the front hinged hood making handling the radiator by myself a chore.
You’ll have to figure out where you’re going to be standing in the engine bay, make sure you’re on something secure.
I made sure I replaced my lower radiator hose while I was in there because I didn’t want to go back down there anytime soon.
Impossible? of course not, but even for my experienced hands and relative young age, it was definitely more than I expected. The biggest issue I remember, as I said, is getting the old one out and the new one in without damaging any fins while maneuvering the piece by myself. I also have an aftermarket trans cooler that never goes through the radiator - not having those lines running up to the rad probably helped me by not being in the way.
Not that I would have done anything different - but it took longer to do it than I expected.