Sounds like there are some good options.
I did a run up to Flagpole Knob (Harrisonburg, VA area with some buds right before it got cold last fall and it was a BLAST. Whichever group gets to the top first picks the best campsite. There were some nice steps and a few pretty intense terrain features. I'd be down to do something like that again w/those who don't want to camp coming out in the AM and leaving in the PM and those interested in camping going out the next AM... Short YouTube Video of the trip below. Good times...
Let's keep this thread ALIVE NOVA H4O wheelers! :woot:
How would the first, 3rd, or 4th weekend in April work for folks?
Option 1 - April 4-5
Option 2 - April 11-12
Option 3 - April 18-19
Option 4 - April 25-26
Let's try and settle on a weekend and then can work the location after we figure out which weekend most folks could accommodate.