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Replace Antenna Mast


Avondale Arizona
So I just bought an Alpha H3. The place where the FM antenna is located only has a short piece of metal sticking out of it about 3" long. I figured grab some pliers and take it out and screw in a new one. Well I can't seem to get it to unscrew. Does anyone know if in fact it is threaded? I researched the Service manuals but does not state exactly (or at least I can't find) how to take it out. Any help be great.


Well-Known Member
Way up north, UT
It is threaded, but they also staked/crimped the threads at the factory. I ended up having to cut into it with an angle grinder and then drilling it out on my first H3. The Alpha already had an aftermarket antenna in place from the previous owner so it was easy to take off when I put my snorkel on. I think if you can manage to slip the cover off and up the antenna you can use a Dremel or something small to grind away the staked portion of the mast and then be able to easily unscrew the antenna. You just have to grind away a small bit around where the antenna screws in.


Avondale Arizona
Come to find out there was a hole drilled through the broken piece. What was sticking up was bolt extractor. Sprayed some Liquid Wrench on it and let it sit. Went out and tried later and could not get it to budge. Used a larger extractor and ended up breaking the piece in half. Have to replace the whole piece. Luckily one of the local Chevy dealers had it in stock. Went and picked up a new OEM replacement. Now I need to find an antenna mast for it. Any suggestions?