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What’s the issue when front driveshaft is removed


Active Member
So I’ve read on here when front driveshaft is removed you can still drive in 4wheel high?
Well that is true for a couple blocks,
This pos acts like it’s in neutral again,just tryin to get this pos home.
Had the loud popping sound underneath so I had to remove axle to verify it was cv joint. It was now no popping and everything rolling smooth.
If I put the mitherfucker in 4 low or high the rear wheels should turn,and they did to first red light then nothing.
What in the fuck happened now. Why would low or high not engage the rear drive???? Let me hear it guys tell me the stupid ass reason why low or high works now. Honestly this 5 cylinder front wheel drive 4wheel drive is trash,I don’t have another 3000 $ to sink in this POs.
I mean I’m fuckin stranded again. Why would I lose drive in 4 wheel locked at rear,especially in low.
Can I drop a 6.0 and 48l60 tranny in this POs?????
If not it’s for sale had some gooks already offer me 2000$ I’m gonna cut my losses n see you later . Ridiculous.
Front wheel drive all wheel drive bullshit is worth six months it’s straight trash after that. For all you go get the paper at end of driveway for ten years don’t even tell me your story.
This vehicle could not run a days worth as a daily driver.
Drives great when it works ,set up n interior is simple but goddamn 3000$ every time you want to visit your girlfriend is bullshit


El Diablo
Staff member
From what I've read so far, you've received a bunch of recommendations from experienced owners, and your use of that advice has been selective. Consider re-reading your earlier threads and you may find the answers you seek. And if you don't like those answers perhaps it's time to move on.


Active Member
Dude I’d have to read for a year and do fact checking before I received an answer.
I’m posting real time on the side of the road.
All over people are driving without front shaft,there has to be a reason why it just unlocks rear drive. So there has to be a sensor a something that controls this. And on the cool you had not one answer to my question so you should stay in your lane.they are a money pity n anybody that has one knows this. My op is they screws it up designing it to be a front drive 4wheel.
I m not spell checking so use your common sense


Well-Known Member
Bellflower, CA
That is one expensive girlfriend. Are the 4x mode lights changing state after shutting down then starting? It should stay in whatever mode when shut down.


Panama city
If you already knew that, and then decided to run around town with it that way. You may have more of an issue than you thought. Might not have been a good idea to try and drive around with the front shaft out before some good diagnostic tests. In fact, an even better idea would’ve been to fix the front drive shaft issue before trying to drive it in the first place. Don’t blame a machine for user error. I think you’re just mad because you messed up. Just my two cents. Take it or leave it.


El Diablo
Staff member
Dude I’d have to read for a year and do fact checking before I received an answer.
Ha. I provided answers/recommendations beforehand as did others. Bummer that you're stuck on the side of the road. That probably could have been avoided. especially if you took the time to read the answers that were provided but apparently that's not something you are willing to do. It was shared the likely causes of your issues, and as Jeepeater said, it was shared that you likely have two or more issues.

BTW, the whole forum is "my lane".
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Well-Known Member
Can someone simply answer why you can’t drive in a 2wd without the front driveshaft? I really dont know? Is there a sensor that freaks out if the front is not turning the same speed or something?

I have to agree with the OP, it’s lame that you can’t drive without a front driveshaft. What if you broke one on the trail? Sounds like you would be screwed & stranded. Especially since parts are not readily available for this thing. I personally wish the H3 was more traditional with being 2wd, then 4wd High and 4wd Low. Maybe make the traction control button activate AWD. Would help with the gas mileage too!


El Diablo
Staff member
You CAN absolutely drive w/o a front driveshaft. I've done it for weeks at a time, as have others. Turn the ignition on, but do not start the vehicle. Switch the 4WD mode to 4H Lock. Start the vehicle and drive away.


Well-Known Member
You CAN absolutely drive w/o a front driveshaft. I've done it for weeks at a time, as have others. Turn the ignition on, but do not start the vehicle. Switch the 4WD mode to 4H Lock. Start the vehicle and drive away.
Thank you for answering my question.


Active Member
So the sequence of having it in unlock,then turning car off to engage lock then starting didn’t work.
But put it in neutral and it did engage hi lock and low worked as well.
So I’m down to fourth gear now again. I’m sure its transmission is gone in 3&4.
I don’t know if I should rebuild it or look for used one.
1500$ here in Dallas for used pull outs


Well-Known Member
United States
I wouldn't dump any more money in it. If it was a car that you loved or had some other attachments to, then sure. I gather that's probably not your situation so I'd sell it. You put more in it, you're just going to be even more pissed with the next thing that goes wrong. Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
So I’ve read on here when front driveshaft is removed you can still drive in 4wheel high?
Well that is true for a couple blocks,
This pos acts like it’s in neutral again,just tryin to get this pos home.
Had the loud popping sound underneath so I had to remove axle to verify it was cv joint. It was now no popping and everything rolling smooth.
If I put the mitherfucker in 4 low or high the rear wheels should turn,and they did to first red light then nothing.
What in the fuck happened now. Why would low or high not engage the rear drive???? Let me hear it guys tell me the stupid ass reason why low or high works now. Honestly this 5 cylinder front wheel drive 4wheel drive is trash,I don’t have another 3000 $ to sink in this POs.
I mean I’m fuckin stranded again. Why would I lose drive in 4 wheel locked at rear,especially in low.
Can I drop a 6.0 and 48l60 tranny in this POs?????
If not it’s for sale had some gooks already offer me 2000$ I’m gonna cut my losses n see you later . Ridiculous.
Front wheel drive all wheel drive bullshit is worth six months it’s straight trash after that. For all you go get the paper at end of driveway for ten years don’t even tell me your story.
This vehicle could not run a days worth as a daily driver.
Drives great when it works ,set up n interior is simple but goddamn 3000$ every time you want to visit your girlfriend is bullshit
They’re full time 4 wheel drive trucks that are now 14-18 years old and theyll require maintenance to keep on the road. I’ve been daily driving mine for a decade with now 200k on the dash.

Sorry for your luck but if you can’t afford to play get an accord.


Well-Known Member
Shift fork inside the t-case is worn, and it has slipped back into 4HI-street mode. Without a driveshaft…it will just sit and spin.

Turn the truck off in neutral, push it forward 4 or 5 feet. Start it again, and try the 4HI-lock mode. It will usually go into gear and allow you to limp it home. You can also reinstall your front driveshaft and leave it 4HI-street mode, to get home.

Whatever you do…don’t attempt to put the truck into PARK, when in 4Hi-street, with the front shaft removed. This will result in grinding the teeth off the park pawl. Always turn the truck off in NEUTRAL, then put it into PARK with the motor off.

Worn shift forks are common and your symptoms are totally normal. It takes 30 minutes to pull the t-case and an hour to replace the fork, chain, pickup screen. Clean everything real good and put it back together with fresh Dex VI. Good for another 150k!